Bring your best self - every day!
(don’t forget your best friend:))
Bring out your best - and, the best in your team!
Let’s take a 180 on the traditional development thought paradigm. We’re taught from a very young age that, to become better, we must “develop out of our weaknesses”. How motivating is that? Strengths coaches help individuals and teams leverage their talents and strengths for better performance. I bet you didn’t know that people working in their Strengths Zones are:
3X more likely to report having a higher quality of life, and
6X more likely to be engaged in their jobs. How’s that for impact?
Contact me to take the CliftonStrengths assessment (formerly known as Strengthsfinders).
Let’s Debrief!
We’ve all wondered what makes us unique. Why are we great at some things and others, well, not so much! I’ll help you interpret your strengths report and shift your mindset from the self-defeating “I must get better at …” to the confidence-building “I’m already kick-ass at… how do I boost even further?”
Personal Growth
Learn how to recognize when your strengths are supporting - or in some cases - hindering you. I’ll help you and your teams to develop strategies to always be in your best “Jedi” moment.
Team Performance
If you’re a leader, learn how to use CliftonStrengths to maximize individual and team performance. Bring awareness to and learn to leverage the unique gifts each team member brings. After all, we are better together.